policies. It is generally true that criticisms of any- one in a position of leadership are made without being aware of all the problems of that leader, and doubtless many of those being leveled at me are in this catagory. There are many things that I would like to do but which I am prevented from doing for lack of time, money, abil- ity or help, but I try to serve the needs and interests of the readers of TRANSVESTIA to the best of my ability.

But let it not be said that I am unwilling to act on constructive criticism when it is within my abilities and not destructive of the idea and purpose of the pub- lication to do so. So lets hear if something is eat- ing you. I'd like to start off our fifth year incor- porating such changes as may be suggested which will add to the readability and interest of the magazine. Please grade your preferences for the following type of material using "1" for most. Do it on a separate 3 x 5 card or sheet so I can save and compile the re- sults. Please alsc add to it any other ideas you have. I'll print a selection of the most interesting comments in coming issues, but do this NOW and mail the card so that I'll have something to report on.


Medical Articles,



Fashion Notes Book Reviews

Histories Letters Editorials

But lets not make this reappraisal one sided. Tell me what I can do for you all right, but please also tell me what you can do to help too. Various ones of you have done or offered to do various things in the past, but I'd like to compile a file of the talents of my readers for such as Artwork, Story Illustration, Original Cartoons, Reworking Cartoons, Story Revision or Completion, Repeat- ed Feature Contributions whether as a cartoon series, Fashion Features or any other you can suggest. These contributions should be considered for the Femme Mirror as well as for TVia. With such a file I would know who to call on when needed. And dont forget there is the ser- vice side of all this too, that is the dissemination of information outside of our own ranks. Sc the invitation, Ready, Take Aim, Fire... ...at



there's VIRGINIA.